Petroleum-derived fuels such as gasoline and diesel used in public and private transportation. Likewise, Vehicular Natural Gas (GNV) is also used in daily transport. To date, more than 26,000 vehicles have been converted to CNG.
Currently, 35% of the country's electricity is generated from natural gas, a clean and efficient fuel. In this way, the use of natural gas as a primary source allowed users to save US$ 77,000 million between 2004 and 2019.
40% of the population of Lima and Callao is connected to natural gas, that is, there are more than 6 million beneficiaries of vulnerable sectors. The savings of households connected to the natural gas network in Lima and Callao since 2005 amounts to US$580 million.
Conoce el fascinante viaje de la molécula de gas desde su extracción hasta llegar a tu hogar. A lo largo de su recorrido, esta fuente de energía limpia y eficiente no solo impulsa industrias, sino que también mejora la calidad de vida y reduce el impacto ambiental. Descubre sus beneficios y cómo contribuye al desarrollo sostenible.
Through this video, Hellenic Petroleum, a refining company, shows us the importance of petroleum derivatives and their forms of use in our daily lives.