Companies that make up the Peruvian Hydrocarbons Society (SPH) are aware of the importance of providing value in the medium and long term through our activities in three axes: social, economic and environmental, which depends on the characteristics and phases in which find our projects By being part of the SPH, we share the following sustainability principles.
We respect and maintain good relations with all members of Peruvian society, with special emphasis on the communities and indigenous peoples close to the environment of our operations. To do this, we support them with initiatives and projects that generate their sustainable development so that the wealth generated by hydrocarbon activity is reverted to well-being.
Our commitment is to systematically identify and assess environmental, health and safety risks, incorporating preventive measures at all levels and managing them proactively.
In addition to complying with the laws and regulations of the Peruvian State in each of our actions, we always act with ethical principles and values and we expect the same from our counterpart.
In our relationship with the State, we carry out, at the union level, studies that help to identify reforms that allows the responsible growth of the Peruvian hydrocarbons industry and make it competitive internationally. Our union participation promotes a legitimate promoter representation, which fully respects free competition.
We firmly reject any practice of corruption, for which we implement prevention mechanisms internally and in our external relations and apply transparency standards and initiatives.
We believe in the sustainable use of natural resources and we comply with high quality and regulation standards to preserve the environment and the country's biodiversity.
We adopt measures to combat climate change and reduce our ecological footprint by managing the efficient and responsible use of energy, water and other natural resources, as well as promoting risk reduction in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.
We understand the process of changing the energy matrix and we support a fair transition.
Mayo 2021, Camisea apoya a las áreas de su influencia para que puedan salir adelante en esta coyuntura de Pandemia
La empresa Cálidda cuenta con un programa que conecta de manera gratuita al Gas Natural a los comedores que se encuentran frente a la red de distribución.
"Comedores Cálidda" incluye un plan de capacitación en nutrición e higiene alimentaria, dirigido a las mujeres líderes de los comedores populares, con el objetivo de contribuir a la mejora del valor nutricional de los menús ofrecidos. A la fecha se ha conectado a 719 comedores populares que a su vez, benefician a 60,121 personas en 16 distritos de Lima y Callao.